Aristotle's thought of Physical Education(17) : Causality between Emotion and Sportsmanship Practice 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(17) : 감정과 스포츠맨십 실천의 인과관계
57(1) 1-9, 2018
Aristotle's thought of Physical Education(17) : Causality between Emotion and Sportsmanship Practice 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(17) : 감정과 스포츠맨십 실천의 인과관계
In rationalism, if it is perceived as right, it is based on the belief that it can do the right thing. Thus, it is possible to make a causal argument that 'knowing game rules is a moral act of players'. But there is only a theoretical knowledge of competition rules and sportsmanship, but the emotions of a player practicing it are not considered. Therefore, the purpose of study was conducted to investigate the causes of unethical behaviors in sport, and to analyze the emotions of the athletes, which are difficult to explain as a rationalistic tradition. For this purpose, I insisted the way to internalized sportsmanship is the importance of habit by establishing the causal relationship between sportsmanship and emotion, focusing on Aristotle's 『Nicomachean Ethics』 and 『De Anima』. Therefore, sportsmanship, as a moral product of a virtuous player, has a persistence in sportsmanship when it becomes a habit of not only the right choice through deliberation but also the voluntary practice of the athlete.
Meaning of Personality in Physical Education through Toegye’s Method of Study 퇴계 공부론을 통해 본 체육에서의 인성 의미
57(1) 11-21, 2018
Meaning of Personality in Physical Education through Toegye’s Method of Study 퇴계 공부론을 통해 본 체육에서의 인성 의미
This study would understand the meaning of ‘personality’ in physical education through Toegye’s study theory. His ‘study’ is characterized by temporality, mobility and dailiness. It is linked to the meaning of gyeong(敬) in the context of ‘expansion of recognition and practice’. and its effect is care for others, that is, in(仁). In his emphasis on the importance of the body and care for others in studying, a modern significance of the possibility of the cultivation of personality through sports in physical education can be found. If ‘studying well’ to him is to prioritize care and respect for others, ‘doing sports well’ is understood as a meaning including ‘the aspect of personality’ of practicing in-ui-ye-ji(仁義禮智) in sports or life attitude, not simply as functional ‘excellence’. Its modern meaning in sports was drawn based on ‘the essence of cultivating the body’ presented by him as an academic methodology and the virtue to obtain through physical exercise. Players should sublimely accept the outcome and cheer up each other. During the game, each player should greet the opponent and the judge respectfully and reverently. They should not insult each other, get angry, or act arrogantly, controlling themselves, even in an extreme situation. The body should move with discipline and act according to the rules.
Relationship among Physical Activity, Social Capital and Quality of Life in Elderly Participating in Physical Activity 노인들의 신체운동 참여와 사회자본 및 삶의 질의 관계
57(1) 23-36, 2018
Relationship among Physical Activity, Social Capital and Quality of Life in Elderly Participating in Physical Activity 노인들의 신체운동 참여와 사회자본 및 삶의 질의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of physical activity on social capital and quality of life focused on elderly participating in physical activity. The results showed that elderly people participating in physical activity more than 3 years showed high scores on social capital(bonding social capital and bridging social capital) and quality of life. And elderly people participating in physical activity more than 5 times a week showed high scores on social capital(bridging social capital) and quality of life(social relationship). Second, physical activity of elderly people influenced positively on social capital(bonding social capital and bridging social capital). Third, physical activity of elderly people influenced positively on quality of life. Fourth, social capital influenced positively on quality of life.
Key Words
결속적 사회자본, 교량적 사회자본, 신체운동, 삶의 질, bonding social capital, bridging social capital, physical activity, quality of life
A Study on Globalization Process of Korean Women's Golf 한국 여자골프의 세계화 과정에 관한 연구
김옥현KimOk-hyun , 서희진SeoHee-jin
57(1) 37-57, 2018
A Study on Globalization Process of Korean Women's Golf 한국 여자골프의 세계화 과정에 관한 연구
김옥현KimOk-hyun , 서희진SeoHee-jin
This study aims at searching for Korean women's golf globalization process based on the Appadurai's globalization theory which conceptualizes the five scape relations of global cultural stream under the changing era of golf. For this purpose, a literature review based on socio-historical approach was applied, the results of study were as follows. First, ethnoscapes showed appearance and advancement abroad of Korean female professional association golfer, foundation of KLPGA, Se Ri Pak's LPGA win and new wave of young generation ‘Seri Kids(Seri wanabes)’ are counted. Second, technoscapes showed made the growth of golf equipment development, enter into LPGA of Korean domestic golf balls and globalization of screen golf. Third, financescapes involved the first sponsorship tournaments, over 1 million championship prize money tournament, foundation of golf team and brought social phenomenon that women thrive in the field. Fourth, mediascapes displayed golf professional channels emerged, diversified, globalized, and broadcasting rights competition. Lastly, ideoscapes showed not only the political use of golf through repetition of prohibition and restraints order but also winning supremacism and commercialization. Overall, it seems that Korean women’s golf is undergoing a globalization process in various socio-cultural scapes.
Key Words
아파두라이, 경관, 세계화, 한국 여자골프, Appadurai, Scape, Globalization, Korean Women’s Golf
The Significance of School Sports Club Activities: Focused on Middle School Students 학교스포츠클럽활동의 의미: 중학생들을 중심으로
This study is aimed to examine what school sports club activities mean to middle school students. To attain this objective, this study first investigated what kinds of peer culture school sports club activities form, and second, what kind of time school sports club is for the students. For the research method, a qualitative research method was employed combining in-depth interview and participatory observation. The results showed that first, the students were creating the peer culture of games, communication, and relaxation through school sports club activities. Though fighting sometimes, the boy students were really enjoying sports games with their friends according to their own rules. On the other hand, girls were enjoying the relationship with friends, more focusing on communication and relaxation than on playing sports game itself. Second, the students thought of school sports club activities as an exit. Those students who lacked leisure time regarded school sports club activity as a time to play with friends, to escape from the pressure of good grades, and different from physical education.
Key Words
학교스포츠클럽, 학교스포츠클럽활동, 중학생, School sports club, School sports club activities, Middle school student
The Problem Factors and Improvement Plan for Physical Activity Programs in the School Adopting the Free Semester Art and Physical Activity Model 「자유학기제」예술·체육 모형 운영학교 체육 프로그램의 문제점과 개선방안
김옥천KimOk-chun , 임수원LimSoo-woen , 전원재JeonWon-jae
57(1) 71-87, 2018
The Problem Factors and Improvement Plan for Physical Activity Programs in the School Adopting the Free Semester Art and Physical Activity Model 「자유학기제」예술·체육 모형 운영학교 체육 프로그램의 문제점과 개선방안
김옥천KimOk-chun , 임수원LimSoo-woen , 전원재JeonWon-jae
The purpose of this study was to identify the problems with those programs, and finally to suggest solutions for dealing with them with full implementation of free semester in all middle schools in Korea from 2016 onward. For the purposes of this study, students in the S-middle school in D-Metropolitan city were interviewed in-depth in the case study. The research results were as follows. Firstly, several problems arouse in the management of the physical education programs in S middle school. First of all, there are insufficient provision of information about career path related to athletics, its loose connection to the school sports club contest, organizing customer-tailored programs and their choices, and weakened sportsmanship due to excessive competitiveness. Another point is that it is suggested that the management of physical education programs will be improved through expanded opportunities for exploring jobs relating to sports, establishing new school sports club contest for free semester, having additional staff for managing free semester, expanding infrastructure for sports activities, and emphasizing character education during physical education programs.
Key Words
개선방안, 자유학기제 예술·체육프로그램, 사례연구, Improvement plan, Free semester art and physical activity model, Case study
A Reflective Case Study on Faculty’s Class Safety through Injured Students in the Liberal Arts Physical Education Class 대학 교양체육수업 교수자의 부상학생을 통한 수업안전에 대한 반성적 사례연구
57(1) 89-97, 2018
A Reflective Case Study on Faculty’s Class Safety through Injured Students in the Liberal Arts Physical Education Class 대학 교양체육수업 교수자의 부상학생을 통한 수업안전에 대한 반성적 사례연구
This research is to improve teaching methods for the prevention of safety accident and to strengthen prevention education for safety accident between student and faculty. This study explores faculty’s teaching methods and improvement through syllabus, teaching note and experiences of safety accidents from 2nd of March to 19th of June 2017. During the research periods, researcher finds out a variety of factors which have been overlooked in the early and rehabilitation stages of students’ injuries. There are two main factors. First, the effort and reflection for prevention of physical injuries in the university liberal arts courses; 1) stretching and warming up, 2) physical training, 3) teaching the technics for the Physical education class. Second, reflective introspection on students’ injuries: is an accident or injury of students caused by complacency or irresistible force 1) a student who has a light sprain in the class: reflection on faculty’s action in the injury situation 2) dislocation a shoulder during the class: reflection through a feedback from students 3) fracture of the leg stepping on the ball: reflection on the situation.
Key Words
체육, 대학 안전, 신체활동, 질적연구, Physical education, University safety, Physical activity, Qualitative research
The Control Strategies of Elite Sport Coaches for the Anti-Doping of Athletes 운동선수의 도핑방지에 관한 엘리트스포츠 지도자의 제어전략
이종현LeeJongHyun , 강효민KangHyoMin
57(1) 99-110, 2018
The Control Strategies of Elite Sport Coaches for the Anti-Doping of Athletes 운동선수의 도핑방지에 관한 엘리트스포츠 지도자의 제어전략
이종현LeeJongHyun , 강효민KangHyoMin
The purpose of this study was to conduct in-depth research on field experiences with athletes and anti-doping and know-how found in internal meanings among instructors whose long career and dignity had been tested in the field of elite sport. The process of qualitative methodology led to the following analysis results:
First, Preventive strategies for elite sports coaches to prevent doping include collected all the information about the bodies of athletes and obtained and analyzed their biometric data on an ongoing basis, thus taking a preventive strategy for the anti-doping of athletes. and they instilled ethics into athletes repeatedly. second, as a pre-planning strategy for elite sports coaches to prevent doping, we aimed to reinforce doping awareness and guiding beliefs with a strong concept of doping as a coaches who pursues professionalism as a specialist on doping drugs. third, controlled strategy for elite sports coaches to prevent doping include interactions with the athletes to ensure their future career planning and the best career and retirement times for athletes, and to be a coach who practices reasonable training methods. therefore, coach wanted to be a prepared coach to pursue open guidance philosophy, various information, and endless effort to go to various fields of a different area to athletes beyond education of exercise technique and tactics.
Key Words
운동선수, 도핑방지, 엘리트스포츠 지도자, 제어전략, Athletes, Anti-Doping, Elite sport coaches, Control strategies
The Effect of Social Support on Social Capital in Badminton Club 배드민턴 동호인의 사회적 지원이 사회자본에 미치는 영향
박원배ParkWonbae , 김찬룡KimChanryong
57(1) 111-123, 2018
The Effect of Social Support on Social Capital in Badminton Club 배드민턴 동호인의 사회적 지원이 사회자본에 미치는 영향
박원배ParkWonbae , 김찬룡KimChanryong
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of social support on social capital in Badminton club. In this study, the 370 valid sample of badminton hobbyists which were joined in 10 badminton clubs in B city were used for data analysis using convenience sampling. The questionnaire for this study was consisted 37 questions included 11 questions about demographic characteristics, 12 questions about social support, 14 questions on social capital. Data were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis by SPSS 21.0 program. The conclusions of this study were as follows; First, there were higher social support in higher level of education of badminton hobbyists than those who were not. Second, there were higher social capital in higher level of education of badminton hobbyists than those who were not. Third, social support such as material support, emotional support significantly have influenced to form trust among badminton hobbyists in badminton club. Fourth, social support such as material support, emotional support, and informational support significantly have influenced to form the norms such as comprehensive reciprocity among badminton hobbyists in badminton club. Fifth, social support such as material support, emotional support, and informational support significantly have influenced to form the networks such as information exchange, friendship among badminton hobbyists in badminton club.
Key Words
배드민턴, 동호인, 사회적 지원, 사회자본, Badminton, Club, Social support, Social capital, Level of education
An Application of Latent Growth Modeling to Analyzing Change Trajectory of Exercise Habit 잠재성장모형을 적용한 운동습관 변화궤적 분석
이윤구LeeYoongu , 윤용진YoonYong-jin
57(1) 125-134, 2018
An Application of Latent Growth Modeling to Analyzing Change Trajectory of Exercise Habit 잠재성장모형을 적용한 운동습관 변화궤적 분석
이윤구LeeYoongu , 윤용진YoonYong-jin
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of individual demographic characteristics on the development of exercise preparation habit and exercise performance habit. For this purpose, 114 college students participated in this study for 12 weeks. Participants were asked to respond to questionnaires five times during 12 weeks. SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 20.0 programs were used to analyze the results of this study. Frequency analysis, reliability analysis, latent growth model analysis were performed. The results are as follows. First, exercise preparation habit showed individual differences in initial measurement. Second, the exercise performance habit differed not only at the beginning but also in the growth. Third, it was found that only the stage of exercise behavior change had a statistically significant effect on the change of exercise performance habit. In conclusion, the development of exercise performance habit revealed that past exercise histories are important.
Physical Activity Lectures’ Perceptions of Coaching Knowledge and University Curriculum 스포츠지도자의 전문지식 중요도와 교육 정도
57(1) 135-149, 2018
Physical Activity Lectures’ Perceptions of Coaching Knowledge and University Curriculum 스포츠지도자의 전문지식 중요도와 교육 정도
The aim of this study was to determine importance of coaching knowledge and university curriculum from the perspectives of physical activity lectures. This study focused on importance of knowledge on physical activity education, experiences of teaching methods classes and training programs, comparative importance of coaching knowledge and university education, perceived difficulties in coaching and solutions, and coaching related knowledge needed to learn in their university training. Data were collected from 112 physical activity lectures working in commercial, community, and school settings. Results from qualitative and quantitative data revealed that they perceived knowledge of sport pedagogy very important when coaching their classes or members. While they took fewer coaching methods classes in their universities, their experiences from the classes were helpful in coaching. The differences between perceived importance and the level of education were greater in the areas including consultation of members, management of membership, and communication with members. They tried to solve difficulties by themselves or wanted to discuss with colleagues and employers. If possible they also wanted to seek educational consulting. In order to acquire adequate coaching knowledge the lectures need to received systematic training regarding sports skills teaching methods, theories and practices of various sports, and planning of sports skills coaching while they were in university programs..
Key Words
전문지식, 대학 교육, 스포츠지도자, Coaching knowledge, University education, Physical activity lectures
Exploring the Structural Concept of Sport Character in Golfers 골프 참여자들의 스포츠인성 개념 구조 탐색
This study explored the structural concept of sport character in golfers. Participants were 50 golfers(male=37; female=13). A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data based on practice situation and competition situation in golf. Raw data were classified into prosocial and antisocial behaviors. Each type of behaviors branched out trait and situational domains, respectively. Results were as follows. First, in practice, according to recreational golfers, the frequency of prosocial behaviors was 87(45.3%) and the frequency of antisocial behaviors was 105(54.7%). In competition, the frequency of prosocial behaviors was 86(46.0%) and the frequency of antisocial behaviors was 101(54.0%). Second, in practice, according to elite golfers, the frequency of prosocial behaviors was 29(56.7%) and the frequency of antisocial behaviors was 22(43.3%). In competition, the frequency of prosocial behaviors was 31(51.7%) and the frequency of antisocial behaviors was 29(48.3%). Finally, based on the comparison by trait and situation domains, prosocial behaviors of recreational golfers were more situation-oriented both in practice and competition, whereas antisocial behaviors of them were more trait-oriented both in practice and competition. In case of elite golfers, prosocial behaviors were more trait-oriented in practice and were more situation-oriented in competition, whereas antisocial behaviors were more situation-oriented in practice and were more trait-oriented in competition. In conclusion, this study explored deep information, presenting the standard of prosocial and antisocial behaviors as a branch of sport character in golf participants.
Golf Instructors’ Personality Cultivation Coaching Experience for Elite Golf Players : Looking at from Educational View of the Analects of Confucius 골프지도자의 엘리트 골프선수 인성함양 코칭경험: 논어의 교육관으로 바라보기
함명환MyounghawnHam , 강방수BangsooKang
57(1) 161-179, 2018
Golf Instructors’ Personality Cultivation Coaching Experience for Elite Golf Players : Looking at from Educational View of the Analects of Confucius 골프지도자의 엘리트 골프선수 인성함양 코칭경험: 논어의 교육관으로 바라보기
함명환MyounghawnHam , 강방수BangsooKang
The purpose of this study was to examine the golf instructors" personality cultivation coaching experience for elite golf players from educational view of the Analects of Confucius. The data was collected 12 months time period during March 2016 to March 2017 with in-depth interviews and observation. The collected data analyzed using the inductive method to conduct classification analysis. and combined researched literature. This study results was as follows: first, "Qualification" as a golf player were able to be interpreted from the perspective of "Benevolence(仁)", second, "Keeping" as a golf player be dignified by keeping a promise with himself in terms of "Righteousness(義)", third, "Consideration" which is sportsmanship of golf “from Propriety(禮)", and fourth, "Learning" of elite golf players from Wisdom(智) respectively. This study explored the possibility of education on various educational factors besides golf skill through the study on the coaching experience of elite golf instructor. This study reaffirmed the importance of coaching emphasizing personality in elite golf players.
Exploring Experienced Secondary School Physical Education Teachers’ Curriculum PPTs and Formative Background 중등 경력 체육교사의 교육과정 PPTs 및 형성 배경 탐색
송지현SongJihyun , 최원석ChoiWonseok
57(1) 181-194, 2018
Exploring Experienced Secondary School Physical Education Teachers’ Curriculum PPTs and Formative Background 중등 경력 체육교사의 교육과정 PPTs 및 형성 배경 탐색
송지현SongJihyun , 최원석ChoiWonseok
The purpose of this study was to examine experienced secondary school physical education teachers’ theories and background factors influencing curriculum implementation. The theoretical perspectives that guided this research was personal practical theories (PPTs). This study was a qualitative case study, which examined a purposefully selected four in-service teachers at different schools. Data were collected through phenomenological interviews and the grounded theory method guided the data analysis. The findings of the study revealed the participants had three PPTs regarding physical education curriculum: (1) a curriculum that is revised without considering the school site; (2) lesson without having to refer to the curriculum; (3) a case of the tail wagging the dog. The characteristics of preference for physical activity and the physical education classes that were learned during secondary school led the participants to form the value of physical education, but it was in conflict with the direction of the curriculum. In particular, more than 10 years of experience as a teacher has played a role in increasing the negative perception of the physical education curriculum. As a result, they have been relying on know-how accumulated experience rather than progressing as a curriculum developers.
Key Words
체육 교사, 교육과정, 개인적 실제적 이론(PPTs), Physical education teacher, Curriculum, Personal practical theories (PPTs)
Current Status of Gymnastics Education in Elementary Schools and Suggestions for its Reinforcement 초등학교 체조교육의 실태와 내실화 방안
57(1) 195-206, 2018
Current Status of Gymnastics Education in Elementary Schools and Suggestions for its Reinforcement 초등학교 체조교육의 실태와 내실화 방안
The purpose of the study was to explore current status of gymnastics education in elementary schools and to provide suggestions for its reinforcement. As results, gymnastics education in elementary schools have had the following problems; 1) intensified avoiding phenomenon of gymnastics education by teachers, 2) uncomfortable relationships between gymnastics and teachers, 3) spread of game activity-centered physical education, and 4) shorter duration of gymnastics education compared to advance countries in physical education. Based on the discovered problems of gymnastics education, the following resolutions were proposed; 1) restructuring gymnastics education from 4-year to 6-year curriculum, 2) reinforcing professionalism of gymnastics education in educational universities, 3) creating and enforcing gymnastic educational program that reinforces professionalism of elementary school teachers, 4) dispatching gymnastic-professionalized instructors at elementary schools, 5) producing and supply a new healthy gymnastics program.
An Evaluation of Economic Value Added(EVA) of Sporting Goods Industry - Focusing on Domestic Sports Apparel Manufacturing Industry 스포츠 용품업의 경제적 부가가치(EVA) 측정에 관한 연구 - 국내 스포츠 의류 제조업을 중심으로
최세희ChoiSeaHee , 조광민ChoKwang-min , 윤여경YunYeoKyung
57(1) 207-219, 2018
An Evaluation of Economic Value Added(EVA) of Sporting Goods Industry - Focusing on Domestic Sports Apparel Manufacturing Industry 스포츠 용품업의 경제적 부가가치(EVA) 측정에 관한 연구 - 국내 스포츠 의류 제조업을 중심으로
최세희ChoiSeaHee , 조광민ChoKwang-min , 윤여경YunYeoKyung
The purpose of this study was to measure Economic Value Added(EVA) of sports industry focusing on domestic sports apparel manufacture industry, thereby understand the information needed for value managements. For this study, 16 domestic sports apparel manufacture firms have been selected as samples. The data was collected from the financial statements posted on the KIS-Value. To estimate the EVA of 16 firms, NOPAT, OIC and WACC were measured previously. The results are as follows. First, the averages of NOPAT turned out to decline rapidly on 2016. Second, the averages of OIC have risen continuously since 2013, which means that it is important to enhance the efficiency of the OIC, increasing ROIC. Third, the averages of WACC have not changed dramatically through 5 years, however, it is important to reduce the cost of equity capital and to manage risks for various investments. Finally, the averages of EVA have been depreciated heavily since 2014, showing necessity to find ways to boost it up. In order to enhance the competitiveness, domestic sports apparel manufactures can increase NOPAT by quality-management and cooperate with foreign companies reducing operating expenses. In addition, they can attract investments on high profitable businesses to increase OIC. Also, to minimize WACC, they can reinforce IR activities and train professional finance workers.
Key Words
경제적 부가가치, 스포츠 산업, 스포츠 의류 제조업, 기업가치평가, Economic value added, Sports industry, Sports apparel manufacture industry, Enterprise valuation
Price Marketing Strategy for Activation of Screen Sports 스크린 스포츠 활성화를 위한 가격마케팅전략
최의열ChoiEui-yul , 전용배JeonYong-bae , 이경민LeeKyongmin
57(1) 221-230, 2018
Price Marketing Strategy for Activation of Screen Sports 스크린 스포츠 활성화를 위한 가격마케팅전략
최의열ChoiEui-yul , 전용배JeonYong-bae , 이경민LeeKyongmin
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of price marketing strategy on the revisit and recommendation intention of screen sports theme park users. In order to accomplish the study purpose, a survey was conducted at screen sports theme parks located in metropolitan area, and a valid sample of 253 copies was obtained. The following conclusions were drawn through multiple regression analyses. First, among the sub-factors of the price marketing strategy, product strategy had a significant influence on the revisit and recommendation intention. Product strategy is suggested as the most important factor in enhancing existing users' revisit and attracting new customers. Second, customer strategy had a significant influence on the revisit and recommendation intention. Third, brand strategy had a significant influence on users' recommendation intention. Finally, technology strategy had a significant influence on the users' revisit intention.
A Study on the Improvement of the Structure of Sports Toto's Business Model and the Improvement Plan for Illegal Sports Betting and Elimination of the Game - With IPA Matrix Analysis - 체육진흥투표권(sportstoto) 사업의 구조 개선과 불법스포츠도박 및 승부조작 근절을 위한 개선방안 연구- IPA Matrix분석으로
김인수KimIn-su , 서희정SeoHee-jung , 송현곤SongHyun-gon
57(1) 231-246, 2018
A Study on the Improvement of the Structure of Sports Toto's Business Model and the Improvement Plan for Illegal Sports Betting and Elimination of the Game - With IPA Matrix Analysis - 체육진흥투표권(sportstoto) 사업의 구조 개선과 불법스포츠도박 및 승부조작 근절을 위한 개선방안 연구- IPA Matrix분석으로
김인수KimIn-su , 서희정SeoHee-jung , 송현곤SongHyun-gon
The purpose of this study is to present the strategic basic data for the sportstoto business to make a sustainable growth through transparent, healthy business performance by diagnosing the status and problems of the sportstoto business, and deducting the improvement plan through the analysis of its importance & satisfaction.
To this end, this study grasped the status and reality of sportstoto through bibliographic data, and diagnosed its consequent problems. Then, this study removed ill-fitted items and modified & integrated similar items by doing comparative analysis of the items deducted through the bibliographic data survey and an expert group’s opinions through the focus group interview(FGI). Next, this study extracted final detailed evaluation factors necessary for improvement of sportstoto business, verified the reliability in survey questions through the primary survey, and completed the final secondary survey by modifying & integrating survey questions on the basis of the primary survey results.
As for the secondary survey method, this study targeted the experts who had an experience in directly carrying out the business associated with the sportstoto business, who carried out the related researches among the employees of the institutions which are directly or indirectly involved in the sportstoto business through the online survey method. In addition, this study collected a total of 138 copies of questionnaires using non-probability sampling. Then, this study obtained the results as follows by doing results processing after doing factor analysis and reliability test of the questionnaire through SPSSWIN Ver. 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 using the sample of 135 copies among the collected copies.
Key Words
체육진흥투표권, 불법스포츠도박, 승부조작, 사업구조 개선 요인, 불법스포츠도박 근절 요인, 승부조작 근절 요인, Improvement of the structure of Sports Toto’s, Eradication of illegal sports gambling, Match fixing
Methodological Qualitative Evaluation of Meta-analysis Studies in Sport Management 스포츠 경영학 분야의 메타분석 연구에 대한 방법론적 질 평가
박상현ParkSanghyun , 곽민석KwagMinseok
57(1) 247-258, 2018
Methodological Qualitative Evaluation of Meta-analysis Studies in Sport Management 스포츠 경영학 분야의 메타분석 연구에 대한 방법론적 질 평가
박상현ParkSanghyun , 곽민석KwagMinseok
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the methodological quality of meta-analysis researches and give guideline for succeeding researches on sport management field in South Korea. Using ‘sports’and‘meta-analysis’ as searching words, initially 69 meta-analysis researches were searched. However, 10 meta-analysis researches which accord with the purpose of this study were selected for actual analysis. Selected 10 meta-analysis researches were evaluated by AMSTAR which proved validity and reliability. The results of this studies were as follows. Mean score of for AMSTAR was 5.8(sd=0.6) and all researches were classified at the moderate level. Among 11 items of AMSTAR, description about priori design, study selection and data extraction by more two coder, comprehensive literature search, using grey literature, appropriate combine method, and evaluating publication bias rated high score. However, providing list of studies included and excluded, providing characteristics of the included studies, documenting scientific quality of the included studies, using scientific quality of the included studies for formulating conclusions, description of conflict of interest included rated low score. Through these results, meta-analyses in sport management filed were apt to follow methodological procedure well. However, evaluating scientific quality of the included studies and drawing conclusion needed for quality improvement.
Key Words
스포츠 경영학, 메타분석, 방법론적 질 평가, Sport management, Meta-analysis, Methodological quality evaluation
The Structural Relationship among Verbal Abuse Experience, Emotional Labor, Job Satisfaction, and Customer Orientation of Golf Caddies 골프장 캐디의 언어폭력 경험과 감정노동, 직무만족 및 고객지향성의 구조적 관계
The Structural Relationship among Verbal Abuse Experience, Emotional Labor, Job Satisfaction, and Customer Orientation of Golf Caddies 골프장 캐디의 언어폭력 경험과 감정노동, 직무만족 및 고객지향성의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study was to analyze the structural relationship among verbal abuse experience, emotional labor, job satisfaction, and customer orientation of golf caddies. Total 250 questionnaires were surveyed and 226 data were finally analyzed. For the analysis, frequency analysis, reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling were performed by SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 programs. The results were as follows: First, verbal abuse experience had a significant effect on surface acting, but the impact on deep acting was not significant. Seconds, surface acting had a positive effect on job satisfaction and deep acting had a negative effect on job satisfaction. Last, job satisfaction influenced on customer orientation. Based on these results, managing customer verbal abuse and emotional labor of golf caddies have been discussed.
A Study on Environmental Analysis of 2018 PyeongChang Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games Organizing Committee 2018 평창동계올림픽 & 패럴림픽 조직위원회 환경 분석 연구
양성철YangSung-chul , 김진국KimJin-kook
57(1) 275-290, 2018
A Study on Environmental Analysis of 2018 PyeongChang Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games Organizing Committee 2018 평창동계올림픽 & 패럴림픽 조직위원회 환경 분석 연구
양성철YangSung-chul , 김진국KimJin-kook
The purpose of this study was to analyze the organizational environment of the PyeongChang Olympic & Paralympic organizing committee for the successful hosting of the olympic games to identify the current situation and to provide more effective and effective data on the organization and operation of the temporary organizing committee. To this end, we conducted open questionnaires for the current members of the PyeongChang organizing committee and concluded as followings. First, the 2018 Winter Olympic & Paralympic Organizing Committee's internal strengths were good working conditions through various professional groups, self-esteem, sense of responsibility and fair treatment. Second, the internal weaknesses of the organizational committee were the problem of organizational convergence, the appropriateness of leadership and budget allocation, and the geographical working conditions. Third, the organizational committee's external opportunities were the strong will of the government, cooperation of related ministries, interest of international organizations, transportation infrastructure, and smart olympics. Fourth, the organizational committee's external threat was a lack of success in the declaration of non-attendance, domestic political situation, negative media coverage, and lack of interest in the public.
Key Words
2018 평창동계올림픽 & 패럴림픽 조직위원회, 조직 환경 분석, PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games, SWOT analysis
The Relationship among Leisure Facilitator, Commitment and Intention to Continue of Zumba Participants' 줌바 참여 여성의 여가촉진, 몰입경험 및 지속의도 간의 구조적 관계
김보람KimBoram , 이유진YujinLee
57(1) 291-304, 2018
The Relationship among Leisure Facilitator, Commitment and Intention to Continue of Zumba Participants' 줌바 참여 여성의 여가촉진, 몰입경험 및 지속의도 간의 구조적 관계
김보람KimBoram , 이유진YujinLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze the structural model among leisure facilitator, commitment, and intention to continue of participants in Zumba. It is aimed to provide basic data for Zumba to be healthy and healthy leisure activity. To achieve the research purposes, this study selected women who were participating in Zumba in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Gangwon-do as a population, Distributed 400 copies of questionnaires and used 372 copies in the final analysis. The data was analyzed by SPSS Windows ver 20.0 and Amos 18.0 Program. It was used to frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation. Results were as follows. As a result, leisure facilitator had an effect on commitment and commitment shown significant effect on intention to continue. Leisure facilitation did not have a direct effect on persistent intention, but the indirect effect was found to be high in intention to continue effect through commitment. Consequently, this study can confirm the characteristics of Zumba, which presents a new paradigm in the field of rhythmic exercise, and it is meaningful to verify the variables that can promote continuous participation.
Relationship Between Students’ Beliefs about Collegiate Physical Education, Intention, and Leisure-Time Exercise Behavior: Theory of Planned Behavior’s Perspective 계획행동이론(TPB)으로 본 대학생들의 교양체육에 대한 인식과 의도, 그리고 여가시간 운동행동 간의 관계
김보람KimBoram , 천승현CheonSungHyeon
57(1) 305-319, 2018
Relationship Between Students’ Beliefs about Collegiate Physical Education, Intention, and Leisure-Time Exercise Behavior: Theory of Planned Behavior’s Perspective 계획행동이론(TPB)으로 본 대학생들의 교양체육에 대한 인식과 의도, 그리고 여가시간 운동행동 간의 관계
김보람KimBoram , 천승현CheonSungHyeon
Grounded on Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1991), the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between TPB’s social-cognitive variables (i.e., attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control), intention toward physical activity, and exercise behavior in collegiate physical education(PE). We investigated the role of intention between TPB’s social-cognitive variables and exercise behaviors. To achieve the research goals, we used a cross-sectional design. Students(n=256) participated in collegiate PE classes in Kangwondo and Seoul area were asked to complete the questionnaire during the semester. Structural equating modeling(SEM) showed TPB’s social-cognitive variables were positively associated with intention toward physical activity and exercise behaviors. Specifically, subjective norm, attitude, and perceived behavioral control directly predicted intention toward physical activity respectively, while perceived behavioral control and intention directly predicted exercise behavior within students. Moreover, the intention toward physical activity as an important role was fully mediated between TBP’s social-cognitive variables (i.e., attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control) in collegiate PE and exercise behaviors in leisure times. In conclusion, the findings provide valuable and useful information that collegiate PE can be an important role to enhance students’beliefs that physical activity is beneficial, easy-to-do (not hard-to-do), and norm among significant others. Hence, they get physically more active via leisure-time physical activity.
Identity Negotiation through Drinking Culture of Sports Clubs Members 생활체육 동호인의 음주문화를 통한 정체성 교섭과정
권헌수GwonHeonsu , 정호진ChungHoJin
57(1) 321-332, 2018
Identity Negotiation through Drinking Culture of Sports Clubs Members 생활체육 동호인의 음주문화를 통한 정체성 교섭과정
권헌수GwonHeonsu , 정호진ChungHoJin
This study aims to understand the drinking culture of sports clubs and to explore the process of members negotiating the identity in sports clubs through drinking culture. For this purpose, this study selected sports club members participating in Seoul and Gyeonggi area and selected six persons as research participants. The data were collected through non-participation observation and in-depth interview, and the collected data were analyzed through qualitative analysis. The results of this study are as follows: First, as a search process of interaction, they encountered members while peeking at drinking culture and adapted to peers. Second, as a process of activation of identity, they established a hierarchical relationship between two faces of drinking culture and experienced conflict between members. Third, as a negotiation process of identity, they internalized drinking culture, establishing collective solidarity, and forming their own league. Fourth, as a process of evaluation of interaction, drinking culture was distressed while identity was strengthened to lead drinking culture, while distancing drinking culture by compromising identity. As can be seen from the above, the drinking culture of the sports club has its own position, internalizing the group identity by identifying itself with the sports club. Eventually, members' identity negotiation treats identity while re-experiencing the hierarchical culture and collective consciousness rampant in society.
Exploring the Actual Condition and Improvement of A Municipal and Provincial Pro Football Club in K League: Focusing on Organization's Goals, Systems, and Members K리그 시도민구단의 실태와 개선점 탐색: 조직의 목표, 시스템, 구성원을 중심으로
Exploring the Actual Condition and Improvement of A Municipal and Provincial Pro Football Club in K League: Focusing on Organization's Goals, Systems, and Members K리그 시도민구단의 실태와 개선점 탐색: 조직의 목표, 시스템, 구성원을 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to explore the actual conditions and improvements of A Municipal and Provincial Pro Football Club in K League in terms of goals, systems, and members. For this purpose, we selected seven practitioners who are currently working in A Municipal and Provincial Pro Football Club and Korea Professional Football Federation, using the purposeful sampling method. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and the collected data were analyzed by thematic analysis method. As a result, there were three problems in the actual conditions of A Municipal and Provincial Pro Football Club. The first of them was ‘absence of core values and resultism". The second was "imcomplete system", and the third was "culture of disbelief and disappearance of ownership". Therefore, in order to solve these problems, it is necessary to clarify the core values of A Municipal and Provincial Pro Football Club and establish concrete and actionable goals to achieve them. In addition, to improve the motivation and organizational fairness of the members, it is necessary to reorganize the system that activates A Municipal and Provincial Pro Football Club to seek systematic and sustainable organization development. Finally, it is necessary to lead the change of the organization through human oriented management which emphasizes the accumulation of social capital based on trust through the improvement of organizational culture and emphasizing the participation and motivation of the members.
Key Words
K리그, 시도민구단, 실태, 개선점, 목표, 시스템, 구성원, K League, A Municipal and Provincial Pro Football Club, Actual condition, Improvement, Goal, System, Member
Research on Elderly's Experience for ‘YangSaeng Exercise as a Recreational Welfare Service 여가복지서비스 활동으로서 노인의 양생(養生)체조 참여경험 탐색
김수연KimSueyeon , 원영신WonYoungshin , 이상희LeeSanghee
57(1) 347-367, 2018
Research on Elderly's Experience for ‘YangSaeng Exercise as a Recreational Welfare Service 여가복지서비스 활동으로서 노인의 양생(養生)체조 참여경험 탐색
김수연KimSueyeon , 원영신WonYoungshin , 이상희LeeSanghee
The purpose of this study is to explore the meaning of YangSaeng exercise as a recreational activity for older adults. Twelve older adults who participated in the ‘YangSaeng Exercise’ at the S Senior Welfare Service Center were interviewed through purposeful sampling method. Each participant was interviewed two times, and data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’s(1988) grounded theory method. Centralization was appeared as 'An addiction to YangSaeng exercise' and causal conditions were appeared as 'Visiting Welfare Center' and 'Participation in YangSaeng exercise program' and situational context were appeared as 'Self-management of old ages' and 'For possession of Independent Life' as the results of Axial Coding. Moreover, arbitrational conditions were 'Coexistence of Regret and Attraction' and interaction strategies were appeared as 'Accept', 'Effort and Easing Mind' and 'Share Together'. As a result, 'Appreciation', 'YangSaeng Exercise that comes in my Life' and 'Softly Pitapat' were derived. Core category of 'Living Joyfully with comforted and eased' was selected through outline of story which means it contains Positivity and Expectations, Acceptance and Acknowledgement, Satisfaction and Appreciation, and Commitment and Hope. Based on the findings, we acknowledge that YangSaeng exercise plays a role in improving quality of life of older adults as a recreational activity. This study sheds light on the possibility of implementing ‘YangSaeng Exercise’ as a health promotion activity among older adults.
The Relationship among Leisure Satisfaction, Stress-related growth and Happiness for Female Active Senior 액티브 시니어 여성들의 여가만족, 스트레스 관련 성장 및 행복감의 관계
사혜지SaHyeJi , 이철원LeeChulWon , 김민정KimMinJeong
57(1) 369-378, 2018
The Relationship among Leisure Satisfaction, Stress-related growth and Happiness for Female Active Senior 액티브 시니어 여성들의 여가만족, 스트레스 관련 성장 및 행복감의 관계
사혜지SaHyeJi , 이철원LeeChulWon , 김민정KimMinJeong
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leisure satisfaction, Stress-related growth and Happiness among female active senior in Korea. To achieve the goal of the study, a total 249 questionnaires were collected from female active senior. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by SPSS and AMOS. For the analysis, frequency analysis, validity test, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation model analysis and path analysis were performed. The results of this study are as follows. First, leisure satisfaction for female active senior had positive effect on stress-related growth. Second, stress-related growth for female active senior did not significantly related to happiness. Third, leisure satisfaction for female active senior had a positive on happiness.
Key Words
액티브 시니어 여성, 여가만족, 스트레스 관련 성장, 행복감, Leisure Satisfaction, Stress-related growth, Happiness, Female active senior
Job Satisfaction according to Work-Life Balance Level of Integrated Sports Council Worker 통합체육회 근로자의 일과 삶의 균형 수준에 따른 직무만족
이유진YujinLee , 황선환SunhwanHwang
57(1) 379-390, 2018
Job Satisfaction according to Work-Life Balance Level of Integrated Sports Council Worker 통합체육회 근로자의 일과 삶의 균형 수준에 따른 직무만족
이유진YujinLee , 황선환SunhwanHwang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of work-life balance of the integrated Sports Council on individual job and life. Using the purposive sampling method, employees from 17 cities and provincial sports council were selected, and 230 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 226 copies were used in the final analyses. The data were analyzed by SPSS Windows ver 20.0 and Amos 18.0 Program. Frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, K-means cluster analysis, t-test, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The results were as follows: First, higher work-life balance group showed higher job satisfaction than lower group. Second, work-growth balance had a positive effect on job satisfaction. In order to keep life harmonious, it is important to minimize the conflict between the roles, to balance the ideal and the reality, and to find the centrality of one's life.
The Relationship among Emotion, Self-management and Dance achievement of University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공 대학생의 정서, 자기관리 및 무용능력성취의 관계
57(1) 391-403, 2018
The Relationship among Emotion, Self-management and Dance achievement of University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공 대학생의 정서, 자기관리 및 무용능력성취의 관계
This study intended to provide the relationship among emotion, self-management and dance achievement of university students majoring in dance. Using a purposive sampling method, subject of this study were 288 university students majoring in dance from Seoul and Kyunggi Province. Data were collected through the self-administrated questionaire which were used by preceding study. The frequence analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to solve the research problems in this study. The conclusion were drawn as follows. First according to personal characteristics there were significant differences among emotion, self-management and dance achievement. Second, the emotion influenced to self-management significantly. Third, the emotion influenced to dance achievement significantly. Forth, the self-management influenced to dance achievement. significantly.
Key Words
정서, 자기관리, 무용능력성취, 무용전공대학생, emotion, self-management, dance achievement, university students majoring in dance
The Development of Wholeness Program for Effects Dementia-Buffering Testing of the Demented Elderly 노인의 치매행동 관련 홀니스 프로그램 개발과 완충효과 검증
57(1) 405-419, 2018
The Development of Wholeness Program for Effects Dementia-Buffering Testing of the Demented Elderly 노인의 치매행동 관련 홀니스 프로그램 개발과 완충효과 검증
This study of the Wholeness Program relevant to dementia behavior and verification of buffering effects. For the purpose of this, among those who were attending Day Care Centers belonging to Seniors Welfare Center of M1 and M2 located in Seoul. Among those who met all these requirements, 40 senior citizens were finally selected. After carrying out a preliminary test to the selected subjects, 20 elderly of Seniors Welfare Center of M1 were randomly placed as an experimental group, while other 20 people of Seniors Welfare Center of M2, as a control group. The Wholeness Program relevant to dementia behavior was carried out from March 14 to May 30 of 2016, for 12 weeks, twice a week. As for the measurement tool, this study depended on the Korean version of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE-K), the Korean version of Modified Barthel Index (K-MBI) and the Korean version of Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-K). While the elderly were participating in the Wholeness Program relevant to dementia behavior, they were measured two times in total, before and after the participation in dementia behavior. Based on SPSS-PC (version 21.0), firstly, independent t-test was carried out to understand the homogeneity between the experimental group and the control group. Secondly, matched-pair t-test was carried out between preliminary test and post-test to inquire into the effects of MMSE-K, K-MBI and GDS-K. Thirdly, ANOVA was conducted to confirm the variation (change amount) between preliminary test and post-test. According to the survey results, the Wholeness Program relevant to dementia behavior of the elderly shows overall effects in all spheres of changes of cognitive ability (MMSE-K), changes of physical capacity (K-MBI) and changes of depression level (GDS-K).
Influence of ‘Yoga’ and ‘Pilates’ Liberal Arts Subjects on University Students' Sports Values, Physical Self-concept, and Intention of Involvement in Daily Sports 요가와 필라테스 교양수업이 대학생의 스포츠가치관과 신체적 자기개념 및 생활체육 참여의사에 미치는 영향
이현정LeeHyunJeong , 홍미성HongMisung
57(1) 421-433, 2018
Influence of ‘Yoga’ and ‘Pilates’ Liberal Arts Subjects on University Students' Sports Values, Physical Self-concept, and Intention of Involvement in Daily Sports 요가와 필라테스 교양수업이 대학생의 스포츠가치관과 신체적 자기개념 및 생활체육 참여의사에 미치는 영향
이현정LeeHyunJeong , 홍미성HongMisung
The purpose of this study was to investigate influence of attending ‘yoga’ and ‘pilates’ class on university student’s sports values, physical self-concept, and intention of involvement in daily sport. For the study, 235 students were selected from W University: 134 students who attended ‘Yoga’ and ‘Pilates’ and 101 students who attended general elective courses. Survey questionnaires was used as research tool. With the collected data, factor analysis, frequency analysis, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis were performed through SPSS 24.0 program. The results of analysis were summarized as follows. First, university students who attended Yoga and Pilates class had higher sports values. Second, sports values of university students who attended ‘Yoga’ and ‘Pilates’ had a meaningful influence on physical self-concept. Third, sports values of university students who attended ‘Yoga’ and ‘Pilates’ had a meaningful influence on intention of involvement in daily sport. Fourth, physical self-concept of university students who attended ‘Yoga’ and ‘Pilates’ had a meaningful influence on intention of involvement in daily sport education.
Key Words
요가, 필라테스, 교양수업, 스포츠가치관, 신체적 자기개념, 생활체육 참여의사, ‘Yoga’ and ‘pilates’ liberal arts subjects, Sports values, Physical self-concept, Intention of involvement in daily sport
The Influence of Emotion and Dance Passion on Self-management of University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공대학생의 정서와 무용열정이 자기관리에 미치는 영향
57(1) 435-445, 2018
The Influence of Emotion and Dance Passion on Self-management of University Students Majoring in Dance 무용전공대학생의 정서와 무용열정이 자기관리에 미치는 영향
This research intends to provide the influence of emotion and dance passion on self-management of university students majoring in dance. For this purpose, purposive sampling method was used. The subject of this study were 311 university students majoring in dance from Seoul and Kyunggi Province. Data were collected through the self-administrated questionaire which were used by preceding study. The factor analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to solve the research problems in this study. The conclusion were drawn as follows. First the emotion influenced to dance passion significantly. Second, the emotion influenced to self-management significantly. Third, the dance passion influenced to self-management significantly.
Analysis on the Characteristics of Sport related Explanatory data of Government Agency to Response to Media Report 언론보도 대응을 위한 정부기관의 스포츠 관련 해명자료 특성분석
김용은KimYong-eun , 도은나DohEun-na , 김범식KimBeom-sig
57(1) 447-459, 2018
Analysis on the Characteristics of Sport related Explanatory data of Government Agency to Response to Media Report 언론보도 대응을 위한 정부기관의 스포츠 관련 해명자료 특성분석
김용은KimYong-eun , 도은나DohEun-na , 김범식KimBeom-sig
This study analyzed the characteristics of sports - related explanatory data distributed by government agencies to respond to media reports. For this purpose, data were collected from 10 ministries that distributed sports related data and 183 data were used for final analysis. The data were processed through SPSS 21.0 program and the results obtained from the final analysis are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the clarification level of the explanatory data, ① the actual wives showed the highest proportion of 56 cases (30.6%). Second, the analysis of the clarification characteristics of the clarification data showed that the proportion of good intentions (19.5%) for ③, 18 cases (18.4%) for media attack on ④ and 14 cases (14.3%) for ⑤ Respectively. Third, as a result of analyzing the correspondence method of clarification data, there is statistically correlation between two variables. Based on these results, 44.8% of compromise, 30.6% of competing, and 24.6% of compliance were classified as a result of classification of responses. Fourth, as a result of analyzing the relationship between the type of media and the level of clarification, there is statistically correlation between two variables. Fifth, the analysis of the relationship between the ideological tendency of the media and the level of clarification revealed that there is a correlation between two variables statistically. Sixth, the analysis of the relationship between clarification level of clarification data and the presentation of the basis of the claims of government agencies showed statistically significant correlation between two variables.
Key Words
해명자료, 언론보도, 정부기관, 대응방식, Explanatory date, Media report, Government agency, Response method
The Effects of 8-Weeks Taijiquan Exercise Program on the Cardiopulmonary Function and Body Composition and Flexibility changes on Female University Students 8주간의 태극권 운동프로그램이 여자대학생의 심폐기능과 신체구성 및 유연성에 미치는 영향
두홍잉DuHong-ying , 문성민MoonSung-min , 심영제SimYoung-je
57(1) 461-470, 2018
The Effects of 8-Weeks Taijiquan Exercise Program on the Cardiopulmonary Function and Body Composition and Flexibility changes on Female University Students 8주간의 태극권 운동프로그램이 여자대학생의 심폐기능과 신체구성 및 유연성에 미치는 영향
두홍잉DuHong-ying , 문성민MoonSung-min , 심영제SimYoung-je
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks taijiquan exercise program on cardiopulmonary function, body composition and flexibility of female college students. Twenty-four female students who had no experience of exercise program were randomly assigned to the following groups: taijiquan exercise group(n=8), jogging exercise group(n=8), non - exercise group(n=8). Exercise program was conducted three times per week(60 minutes per session) for 8 weeks with exercise intensity set at 50-80% of heart rate reserve. After 8 weeks, the variables of cardiopulmonary function, body composition and flexibility were obtained. There was a significant difference in maximal oxygen uptake, blood pressure, percent body fat, waist to hip ratio, and flexibility of taijiquan exercise group and jogging exercise group, and BMI tended to decrease in taijiquan exercise group. In conclusion, the results of this study show that after practicing taijiquan exercise program, it positively affects the cardiorespiratory function, body composition and flexibility of female college students. In future studies, it is necessary to continue the research that applied various forms of combination exercise.
Key Words
태극권 운동프로그램, 심폐기능, 신체구성, 유연성, 여자 대학생, Taijiquan exercise program, Cardiopulmonary function, Body composition, Flexibility, Female college students
Effects of Kinesio Taping Position of Shank and Gender on the Range of Motion and Moment of Ankle Joint during Deep Squat 딥 스쿼트 동작 시 하퇴 키네시오 테이핑 위치와 성별이 발목 관절의 가동범위와 모멘트에 미치는 영향
Effects of Kinesio Taping Position of Shank and Gender on the Range of Motion and Moment of Ankle Joint during Deep Squat 딥 스쿼트 동작 시 하퇴 키네시오 테이핑 위치와 성별이 발목 관절의 가동범위와 모멘트에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of kinesio taping position of shank and gender on the range of motion and moment of ankle joint during deep squat. 22 male(age: 20.45 ± 2.26 years, height: 176.59 ± 5.42 cm, weight: 72.05 ± 8.56 kg), 10 female(age: 21 ± 0.94 years, height: 162.1 ± 4.43 m, weight: 56.36 ± 5.38 kg) participated in this study. All the range of motion and peak joint moment of ankle joint data during deep squat were collected and were analyzed by mixed anova and bonferroni adjustment. During the deep squat movement, the range of flexion of the ankle joints showed the interaction effect according to the kinesio taping position and gender. Both males and females showed the largest statistically significant flexion and eversion and the smallest external rotation ROM(range of motion) at the angle joint in the CKT(calf kinesio taping) condition, and TKT(tibial kinesio taping) showed the opposite result with CKT. The ankle joint peak inversion moment was significantly lower in TKT and CKT than NKT(non kinesio taping). Therefore, kinesio taping position was found to affect ROM and peak inversion moment of the ankle joint during deep squat, and it was found that the tendency of peak extension and internal/external rotation moment were different according to gender.
Key Words
딥 스쿼트, 키네시오 테이핑, 성별, 가동범위, 관절 모멘트, Deep squat, Kinesio taping, Gender, Range of motion, Joint moment
Comparisons of Joint Kinematics and Upper-limb Muscle Activations between Clean-shot and Bank-shot in Men’s Basketball Free-throw 농구 자유투 시 클린샷과 뱅크샷의 운동학 변인과 상지 근활성도 비교
Comparisons of Joint Kinematics and Upper-limb Muscle Activations between Clean-shot and Bank-shot in Men’s Basketball Free-throw 농구 자유투 시 클린샷과 뱅크샷의 운동학 변인과 상지 근활성도 비교
This study was purposed to compare joint kinematics and muscle activations of the upper-limb between clean-shot(CS) and bank-shot(BS) in men’s basketball free-throw in order to find the required characteristics for successful bank-shots based on those of clean-shots. Ten high school male basketball players were recruited and asked to perform 10 clean-shots and bank-shots, respectively. Data of joint kinematics and electromyography (EMG) were obtained through motion capture system and EMG equipments. A significant difference between two skills was verified by the pairwise t-test. Kinematic results indicated that the postures of BS and CS were different at major events. The range of motions of knee, hip, and elbow joints for BS were greater than those of CS. During the projection phase, all joint angluar velocities except the wrist and peak muscle activations of wrist flexors for BS were greater than those of CS. In conclusion, the strategy of successful BS depends on 2.9~15.1% increase of upper and lower joint motions from the kinematics of CS, 10.5% increase of triceps muscle, and consistent releasing angular velocity of the wrist to CS.
Development of Performance Assessment Instrument for Handball Players’ Position Using Game Performance Assessment Instrument 게임 수행력 평가도구(GPAI)를 적용한 핸드볼 선수의 포지션별 경기력 평가도구 개발
홍정호JeonghoHong , 박재현Jae-hyeonPark
57(1) 493-509, 2018
Development of Performance Assessment Instrument for Handball Players’ Position Using Game Performance Assessment Instrument 게임 수행력 평가도구(GPAI)를 적용한 핸드볼 선수의 포지션별 경기력 평가도구 개발
홍정호JeonghoHong , 박재현Jae-hyeonPark
The purpose of this study was to develop the assesment variables of the performance of handball players by applying the Game Performance Assessment Instrument(GPAI). Through the handball experts, the assesment components and variables were selected, and the importance and the weight of the assesment variables by position were tested. As a result, firstly, the important components of the handball performance assesment are five domains: base, decision making, skill execution, support and mark. Secondly, the proposed assesment variables for each position are valid and reliable. Thirdly, in the case of center back, assist(3.1) is the most important variable in offensive domain and blue card(3.1) in defensive domain, 9m shot(2.3) and blue card(2.4) are for both backs, good movement and good block(3.1) are for pivot. For both wings, the most important variables are wing shot(2.6) and blue card(2.9), and 9m shot save(3.1) is for goalkeeper. The numerical value in parentheses means the relative weight of the most important variable when the lowest important variable is set to 1 in each position.
Analysis of Applicability of Handball Player's Positioning Performance Assesment Instrument 핸드볼 선수의 포지션별 경기력 평가 도구의 적용 가능성 분석
57(1) 511-521, 2018
Analysis of Applicability of Handball Player's Positioning Performance Assesment Instrument 핸드볼 선수의 포지션별 경기력 평가 도구의 적용 가능성 분석
This study verified the applicability of the instrument developed by Hong (2017) on the basis of GPAI in order to assess the performance of each handball player. The instrument consists of variables that assess the performance of the offensive / defensive domains by five positions: center back, right·left back, pivot, right·left wing, and goalkeeper. For the purpose of the study, current four handball players as coders and three handball experts were used. As a result, first, developed instruments can be used consistently by coders. Second, there is a large variation in the correlation between the instruments and the ranking of the performance assessment by the experts, and the correlation between the experts is low. Third, the correlation between the performance score and the actual score through the instrument is very high. Fourth, it was confirmed that there is a high correlation between the assessment of the performance of the instrument and the assessment of the performance of Korea Handball Federation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the performance assessment instrument developed by Hong (2017) can measure the performance of individual player by position in the handball game and training field comparatively efficiently in terms of offence, defense, and overall. In order to use this instrument efficiently in the future, it is necessary to train a coder before use and secure more than two coder. It is also recommended that this instrument be applied to post-high school athletes whose suitable positions are determined.
The purpose of this study was to examine a grip strength development of non-dominant hand and dominant hand on growing male students and provide basic data for balanced physical development. To achieve this purpose, both the non-dominant and dominant hand grip strengths were determined in 82 students of elementary school third grade, 76 students of elementary school sixth grade, and 108 students of middle school third grade, respectively. First, the grip strength increased with the growth of both non-dominant hand and dominant hand, respectively. Second, there was a significant difference in the grip strength difference between non-dominant and dominant hand of all three groups. However, the grip strength difference between non-dominant and dominant hand on the left-handed students were not observed in all three groups. Third, the relative difference of strength in the third grade elementary student was significantly greater than those in other two groups. In conclusion, the results of this observation suggested that the relative grip strength difference between non-dominant and dominant hands was significantly reduced during growing period in male student. In addition, the significant strength difference was not observed in left-handed students in all three groups.